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More Frequently Asked Questions about my Report

Bacteria - Lactobacillus

Lactobacillus bacteria are a genus characterized by their production of lactic acid as a byproduct of their metabolism. Lactic acid is important in regulating our energy levels, maintaining a healthy weight, keeping bad bacteria from overgrowing, dec

Bacteria - Akkermansia

Akkermansia is a beneficial probiotic bacteria found in the intestinal tract. While Akkermansia only makes up 1-5% of your gut bacteria, it is still important. Akkermansia has been shown to be inversely correlated with many different diseases such as

Bacteria - Alistipes

Alistipes is a beneficial bacteria that is found in the intestinal tract. It helps to strengthen your microbiome by facilitating the growth of other beneficial probiotic bacteria. Research has shown Alistipes to help with symptoms of ulcerative colit

Bacteria - Bacteroides

Bacteroides are a beneficial bacteria that are found in the intestinal tract. It is one of the most common bacteria making up roughly 25% of the average human gut microbiome. Bacteroides help to break down fiber and use it as a fuel source. Bacteroid

Bacteria - Bifidobacterium

Bifidobacterium are some of the first microbes to colonize the human gut when we’re first born. As time goes on other bacteria begin to take center stage but Bifidobacterium continues to play an important role. Bifidobacterium produces polyamines whi

Bacteria - Blautia

Blautia is an important bacterium found in the human gut microbiome. Blautia uses fats and carbohydrates to create succinic acid which is important in mitochondrial health and signaling. Blautia is a good indicator of health since lower levels of Bla

Bacteria - Eubacterium

Eubacterium is a large and diverse genus of bacteria. Some bacteria in this genus do more harm than good and produce compounds such as trimethylamine which has been associated with an increased risk of heart disease. Most Eubacterium are beneficial t

Bacteria - Faecalibacterium

Faecalibacterium are the most abundant commensal bacteria in the gut and offers many health benefits. Faecalibacterium produce butyric acid which is a short-chain fatty acid that helps to decrease inflammation and improve cellular health. Healthy lev

Bacteria - Roseburia

Roseburia is a beneficial bacteria that is found deep inside the colon. Roseburia creates butyric acid, a short-chain fatty acid that helps to decrease inflammation and acts as a food source for other beneficial bacteria in your gut. Some health bene

Bacteria - Ruminococcus

Ruminococcus is a keystone beneficial bacteria in your gut. This bacteria helps to break down resistant starches, plant materials and carbohydrates in general. Healthy levels of Ruminococcus have been shown to stabilize the intestinal barrier, revers

Gut Health Score - Triglycerides

The scores within Cardiovascular health are a reflection of deficiencies or overgrowth of specific bacteria that affect cardiovascular measures such as Triglyceride levels. Specific bacteria have been shown within the research to assist with triglyce

Gut Health Score - Score of 0

A lack of associated bacteria is what determines the "poor" score allocation. The 0 is only a weighted score, not the actual percentage of each bacteria.  Should you desire to see the exact percentage of each bacteria, you can go to Bacteria Levels a

Gut Health Score: Serotonin

The serotonin score measures the bacteria associated with serotonin production, not the levels directly. These are bacteria that have been shown to assist in creating serotonin. Various studies have shown the ability of certain bacteria, such as Ente

Vitamin K

The pathways for biosynthesis of vitamin K2 have been shown within the gut to be associated with specific bacteria such as Bacillus. This score does not indicate low levels of vitamin K; an exact measurement of vitamin K would need a serum test. A po


The stool test does not pick up SIBO,  the gold standard for SIBO confirmation is a breath test.  The Ombre test can pick up SIBO s related bacteria/archaea such as Methanobacter Smithii.

Yeasts (Candida), parasites, and protozoa

Ombre utilizes an accurate and reliable type of testing termed 16s sequencing.  This type of sequencing presents bacteria and archaea, which comprise the majority of the microbiota. Yeasts, parasites, and protozoa are not shown in this type of sequen

Acid, acid reflux or bile levels

Stool tests do not measure acid levels therefore acid reflux risk factors are not presented within the microbiome analysis.  Additionally, bile levels are not measured or presented.

C. Diff / Clostridium Difficile

Ombre Gut microbiome testing can help show if their gastrointestinal symptoms are associated with certain bacteria or pathogenic overgrowth. Or if they are having other health-related issues, we can isolate if they have high levels of pro-inflammator

Leaky Gut / IBS

We measure and analyze the bacteria against healthy averages.  These measures can help isolate inflammatory bacteria that may be associated with IBS and elevated intestinal permeability/leaky gut. We additionally provide a measure on the premium side

What's in Premium Health Report?

Premium offers additional insights beyond the basic bacteria profile and abundances. Here are the categories presented within Premium:. Comparison: how the sample provided matches against individuals of the same age, across all samples within our dat

Should I worry about high levels of clostridium?

Here is a list of pathogenic Clostridium species (most Clostridium species are commensals-neutral bacteria, not pathogenic).


Yes, the Gut testing kit does test for Oxalobacter on the report. You can search for it within My Gut Bacteria. If it's not in the list, then is below detectable limits or extict. I hope this is helpful and please let me know if you do have any quest


Yes, we do test for streptococcus. Below are all the bacterial species that we test for. streptococcus. streptococcus agalactiae. streptococcus anginosus. streptococcus australis. streptococcus caballi. streptococcus cameli. streptococcus canis. stre

How is the test accurate by testing your poop when your poop can be different every time depending on what you eat?

The bacteria can shift here and there depending on what is consumed, medication use and environement. he analysis will present your unique microbial fingerprint,. Key bacteria such as Akkermansia will not present undetectable depending on what is con

H. Pylori / Helicobacter Pylori

We do test for H.Pylori. It would be listed as "Helicobacter pylori" if it was found in detectable levels in your sample. If it's not found, then it won't be listed.

Poor Celiac Score

The score for Celiacs is not an indicator that you have Celiacs. All the scores referenced within autoimmunity are based on specific bacteria that have shown within the research to have an association with specified imbalances. This is part of the pu

Has had any significant success with Ulcerative Colitis patients specifically?

In regard to the complex pathogenesis of ulcerative colitis (UC), research supports that there is intestinal microbiota dysbiosis, environmental factors, genetic factors, and host immune system disorders. Additionally, the imbalance between mucosal i

Why are there no akkermansia in my results?

If a specific bacteria we sequence for, such as Akkermansia, is not showing up in the report it is due to the bacteria presenting BDL- below detectable  limits. The bacteria could not be preset in the microbiome or the levels are so low that they are

What does Heavy Body Type mean?

The allocation to the Heavy body type is due to the abundance of specific bacteria that have shown within the research to be associated with a heavier weight. Certain bacteria can be prone to "energy harvesting" which indirectly negatively affects me

How do we recommend probiotics?

The recommended probiotics are custom matched to each individual. At Ombre, we follow the research. The research provides probiotic strain efficacy based on the resolution of targeted symptoms, ability to target pathogens, and modulating the biome en

How long can my sample last?

About 1 month at room temperature. If the sample is stored in the freezer, then it will be viable for a couple of months.

Gut Wellness Kit Shelf Life

Our gut kits can last up two years in normal room temperature. As long as the tube has enough buffer (blue fluid), you can ship your sample to our lab.


Bioinformatics is the scientific term used for extracting, sequencing, and distinguishing bacterial taxonomic groups from each other (in our case using 16s rRNA sequencing).  At the bottom of this page you can see our bioinformatics pipeline. All sam

Do probiotics change when retesting?

The recommended probiotic is based on symptoms, pathogenic growth and the gut biome balance.  If symptoms have changed it is important to update so strains can be matched that have clinically shown to address such symptoms. A change in symptoms or ch

How Ombre personalization works

Our personalization works in 2 ways. 1. We use a survey to determine your health goals, symptoms, and more. 2. We use the test result to see if you have an overgrowth of specific bad bacteria and provide probiotic strains that create bacterocins whic

When to retake the gut wellness test?

We recommend 3-4 times a year for longitudinal data to see how your gut microbiota is responding to the suggested probiotics, recommended foods and suggested lifestlye changes. Also, to see if pathogenic growth has subsided.

Stoppoing Antibiotics before taking the Gut Wellness Test

Antibiotics can have an effect on both good and bad bacteria so it is possible for there to be shifts in the beneficial bacteria. It is best to avoid antibiotic use 5-7 days prior to testing.

Stopping Probiotics before taking the Gut Wellness Test

Prior to taking the test we suggest to avoid PPI’s, NSAIDS, or antibiotics for a minimum of 5-7 days before collecting your sample. These gut modulators can have a negative effect on the biome. Probiotics should be avoided as well to gain the most ac

Taking Laxatives before the Gut Wellness Test

Mild laxatives should not negatively affect the sample.

Taking Miralax before taking the Gut Wellness Test

Magnesium should not interfere with the test.

Proving a sample during a Period Menstrual Cycle

You can still take your stool sample while on your menstrual cycle.

Taking the Gut Wellness Test after a colonoscopy

It might be best to wait a few weeks after the colonoscopy for the most accurate representation of the normalized gut microbiome.

Ombre's Food Recommendations

The food recommendations are based on peer-reviewed studies that show associations between specific bacteria and specific foods. Depending on deficiencies/overgrowth within each gut microbiota analysis, specific foods that have been shown to help mod

Alternative Protein Diet

The food recommendations are based on peer-reviewed studies that show associations between specific bacteria and specific foods. Dependent on deficiencies/overgrowth's within each gut microbiota analysis, specific foods that have shown to help modula

Pescatarian Diet

The food recommendations are based on peer-reviewed studies that show associations between specific bacteria and specific foods. Dependent on deficiencies/overgrowth's within each gut microbiota analysis, specific foods that have shown to help modula

Cardiovascular Score

The scores within Cardiovascular health are a reflection of deficiencies or overgrowth of specific bacteria that have shown within the research to be associated with the presented area such as Triglyceride levels.  Specific bacteria have shown within

Zero Carb Diet

Specific diets will have an effect on the growth of the bacteria. Specifically, reducing fiber content can deplete many of the beneficial bacteria as this is their food source. Proteobacteria which can contribute to inflammation is on the very high s

Suggested not to drink red wine

The suggestion to avoid red wine is based on the relationship shown within research and your deficient bacteria however, red wine offers many health benefits and the specific bacteria referenced are not too low.  Occasional consumption would be bette

Suggested no meat at all

The food recommendations are based on peer-reviewed studies that show associations between specific bacteria and specific foods. Depending on deficiencies/overgrowth within each gut microbiota analysis, specific foods that have been shown to help mod

Are there Dairy, Milk, Soy in your probiotics?

The bacteria strains found within our probiotics use milk/soy as the medium for growth. Concluding the fermentation process, testing verifies that the associated protein is found undetectable. We'd recommend opening a capsule to try a little bit your

Food Sensitivities

Food sensitivities such as lactose intolerance can be a result of a dysbiotic gut microbiome state (unhealthy bacteria state). Optimizing the bacteria within the gut has shown to resolve issues such as food sensitivities and GI-related issues. Probio

Freezing Probiotics

The research supports that probiotic bacteria can be frozen and thawed many times with little to no loss in cell count, however, this has not been tested by our manufacturer so we are unable to confirm if there will be any detrimental loss in CFU.

How to include bacteria missing from my probiotic?

When it comes to probiotics, strain specificity is how science has shown to positively modulate the bacteria in the microbiota providing the optimal environment for beneficial health-promoting bacteria to grow. While science has not yet been able to

Freezing Probiotics

The research supports that probiotic bacteria can be frozen and thawed many times with little to no loss in cell count, however, this has not been tested by our manufacturer so we are unable to confirm if there will be any detrimental loss in CFU.

Probiotic Shelf Life / Refrigeration

Research confirms that specific probiotic strains, such as ones found within Ombre probiotics are shelf-stable for up to 24 months.  This was not the case in early probiotic strain development;  advancements in science and manufacturing techniques ha

Does Ombre ship probiotics with ice?

Ombre Probiotics do not require to be shipped on ice as our probiotic housing and manufacturing technology provides our strains to withstand room temperature for up to 2 years and >90 degrees for up to 4 months, without affecting potency and CFU coun

Why are the EXACT bacteria I am deficient in not included in my probiotic?

When it comes to probiotics, strain specificity is how science has shown to increase the beneficial bacteria to grow. While science has not been able to replicate and encapsulate many of the beneficial bacteria that we know positively influence our h

Consuming Probiotics Night and Morning

You can try taking one capsule in the morning and one at night or lower the dosage for a limited time (3-4 days) until symptom resolution. If the issues persist, please stop taking them and consult with your doctor.

Wheezing with Probiotics

The literature lacks any associations such as allergic reactions (wheezing)  and probiotic strains within Healthy Gut or the prebiotic phgg however, we can change you to a blend that is void of this prebiotic or any yeast strains.  We have a Mood Enh

Do we use any Fillers in our Probiotics?

Magnesium stearate is used within the probiotics as a safe and effective flow agent. Silicon dioxide is used to ensure the ingredients don't stick together and the proportions are correct. Microcrystalline cellulose is added as an excipient — an inac

Probiotics for children

Probiotics are generally found to be safe however our dosages are based on adults therefore we recommend speaking with their pediatrician first before starting any of our probiotics.

Probiotic Info - GMO, Vegan, Lectin

Our capsules are made out of a vegan, gluten-free, non-GMO casing called Hydroxy-propyl-methyl-cellulose. This material allows our probiotics to bypass stomach acids and naturally be dispersed within the colon.

Probiotics - In High Heat

Per our supplier, the strains can be stored at room temperature for up to 24 months, or over 90 degrees for 4 months without adversely affecting potency.

Why do my pills have a brown color?

Some bacteria or yeast strains can take on a off white or brownish color. This does not indicate any contamination of the product, it is a normal process. Additionally, all batches of probiotic blends have been thoroughly tested to verify all ingredi

Taking Prebiotic and Probiotics at similar or same time

It is perfectly acceptable to take the prebiotic and probiotic together or at similar times. RISE is a prebiotic, prebiotics selectively nourish the beneficial bacteria whereas Healthy Gut is a probiotic, it creates antimicrobials to target any patho

Probiotics - Should I take both capsules at the same time?

Taking both capsules at the same time is recommended however should you want to take one in the AM and one in the PM, that is fine as well. You can take probiotics with or without food.  Some of the research indicates an empty stomach may offer addit

Take old probiotics with new ones

If you have been on the current probiotics for a while and do not see changes in current symptoms, it might be best to replace your current probiotic with your recommended probiotic.  There are many deficient bacterias as well as a few pathogens. How

How beneficial is it to add the prebiotic fiber?

The prebiotic phgg is a very beneficial well-tolerated prebiotic.  Not only does it aim to boost beneficial bacteria and increase gut lining integrity but at higher quantities, such as the abundances in our prebiotic RISE, it offers additional metabo

Probiotics don’t feel like they are working

When it comes to probiotics and the benefits you experience, many times the effects may not be directly "felt" unless dealing with acute symptoms such as constipation or diarrhea, or high pathogen load. Modulating the biome and encouraging the growth


The gut microbiota has been linked to ALS within the research in a few ways. Weak intestinal tight junctions. Increased gut permeability "leaky gut". Reduced levels of the butyrate-producing bacteria. Our probiotics and prebiotic target increasing be

Poor Gluten Score

All scores measure the associated bacteria presented within the literature to show an effect on the given category. A poor score with gluten intolerance indicates there is a deficiency in the bacteria that are associated with breaking down gluten. Gl

My probiotic recommendation is the same as my friends / family

We currently have several formulas of probiotics that we try to find the best match for each customer. Based on the analysis from both our test kit + survey, we found both you and your friend had the best match of the same formula. This rarely happen

Antibiotics and Probiotics

While antibiotics can negativity affect the gut biome, bacteria species can grow back if they are at adequate levels within the gut biome. Some species that are extremely low before a broad spectrum antibiotic, can be completely wiped out however thi

Pregnancy & Probiotics

We always suggest speaking to your provider initially before starting probiotics. However, Probiotics do not appear to pose any safety concerns for pregnant and lactating women.

Probiotics - Same Recommendation After Retesting

With the analysis, an individual is matched to one of our blends of probiotics based on which bacteria present deficient (or if there are any pathogens) and which blends of probiotics have shown within the research to address those specific deficienc