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How do we recommend probiotics?Updated 2 months ago

The recommended probiotics are custom matched to each individual. At Ombre, we follow the research. The research provides probiotic strain efficacy based on the resolution of targeted symptoms, ability to target pathogens, and modulating the biome environment to encourage the growth of beneficial bacteria. Based on symptoms reported by consumers as well as their sample analysis, probiotic strains are matched to the individual based on supported research. Specific strains have been shown within the research to create antimicrobials that target pathogens. Based on pathogens presented within the analysis, these strains will be matched. 

Additionally, probiotic strains are matched based on symptoms one may be experiencing. Therefore, both the analysis and provided symptoms are used to recommend the most appropriate blend. Therefore what determines the allocated probiotics will be based on specific symptoms presented (strains will be matched based on provided research) to presented symptoms. Then the analysis will determine additional matched strains based on antimicrobial targeting needs and biome modulation. We use these two formulas to determine the most appropriate probiotic blend for each individual. It is possible if there is a lack of pathogens presented within the analysis, that the survey will weigh heavier due to all clinically supported strains within our probiotics having shown to positively modulate the biome. This determination is founded within the research and we find the best match should be based on what the research presents.

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