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Alternative Protein DietUpdated a month ago

The food recommendations are based on peer-reviewed studies that show associations between specific bacteria and specific foods. Dependent on deficiencies/overgrowth's within each gut microbiota analysis, specific foods that have shown to help modulate that bacteria will be presented within recommended foods to incorporate and recommended foods to avoid. High meat and fat diets can increase inflammatory bacteria which has a negative effect on the gut biome and beneficial bacteria growth therefore dependent on the sample presented, more of a plant-based diet is recommended.  The vegetables, fruits, and legumes such as lentils, chickpea, and beans are high in carbohydrates.  

Additionally, legumes and nuts, and seeds are very high in protein as well. While currently our food recommendations/avoidances do not decipher from occasional consumption or all together continuous avoidance (this will be rolled out in the near future), we suggest avoiding as often as you can to help allow time for the beneficial bacteria to grow.  Should you need to increase specific macronutrients such as additional protein, occasional consumption would be a better option over daily consumption. 

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