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Vaginal Health Test

Can I use Ombre’s vaginal probiotics intravaginally?

These strains of probiotics have been tested through oral administration. We feel this actually speaks more that the strains are delivered orally and have proven to colonize in the vaginal tract.

Do you test for yeast, fungi, or other pathogens?

We specialize in bacteria. Bacteria are the most abundant microorganisms in the vaginal microbiome. They moderate the environment to manage yeast, fungi, and other pathogens naturally.

What bacteria do we test for?

We can sequence over 125 bacteria species that are commonly found in the vaginal microbiome. Certain bacteria can be harmful and make an environment susceptible to pathogenic growth. However, these bacteria can also be beneficial, regulate your pH le

Can a Vaginal Health Test tell me if I have a UTI or BV?

The Vaginal Health Test is not a diagnostic test. It pinpoints discrepancies in your vaginal microbiome, including if you have high levels of pathogenic bacteria. High levels of pathogens are associated with BV and UTIs. Your Personalized Vaginal Mic

Does the Vaginal Health Test test for Human papillomavirus (HPV) or sexually transmitted infections (STIs)?

We highly recommend you seek a medical professional for STI or HPV diagnosis or treatment. The vaginal microbiome is the first line of defense against these infections in the woman’s body. Optimizing your vaginal flora is vital in preventative care a

Are there any precautions for taking a vaginal microbiome test?

Do not use if you are pregnant, or seek a request from a provider. Consult your healthcare provider before you use if:. Have recent pelvic pain. Have pain with sexual intercourse. Immediately stop use if experiencing any pain during vaginal sample co

Can I take this test if I am currently menstruating or was recently sexually active?

Please refrain from taking an at-home vaginal microbiome test if you:. Are currently menstruating - Menstruation can alter the vaginal biome therefore for the most accurate representation, it is best to test 5-7 days before or after menstruation. Use

How are Ombre’s targeted probiotics for vaginal health recommended?

Probiotics are recommended based on Community State Type which is determined based on the vaginal biome analysis and presented symptoms.

What is a vaginal community state type?

One of the most pivotal elements of the Ombre Vaginal Health Test is learning which of the vaginal community state types (CSTs) represent your current microbial network. These insights can provide information about reproductive health, vaginal comfor

If a Personalized Vaginal Microbiome Report shows high pathogen levels, what can I do?

A recommended probiotic will be suggested based on clinical support for specific strains addressing specific symptoms you’re experienced and vaginal community state type (CST). Additionally, information will be provided regarding what types of foods/

Can I test if I’m pregnant?

It is best to check with your doctor. Pregnant women have performed vaginal microbiome testing with their physician’s consent.

Do you test pH levels?

No, we do not have a pH strip within the test. However, your targeted probiotic recommendation and food suggestions alongside understanding which bacteria are dominating your vaginal microbiota could help you balance your pH levels naturally.