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Why is there no meat recommended in my foods?Updated 2 months ago

Our food recommendations are grounded in peer-reviewed research that identifies associations between specific bacteria and foods. Based on the analysis of your gut microbiota, which identifies deficiencies and overgrowth, we suggest specific foods that nourish beneficial bacteria and recommend avoiding foods that could be harmful. For instance, diets high in meat and fats may increase inflammatory bacteria, adversely affecting the gut biome and the growth of beneficial bacteria. Depending on the results of your sample analysis, a more plant-based diet may be advised.

Foods like legumes, nuts, and seeds are rich in protein and can serve as alternatives to animal meat. While our current recommendations do not distinguish between occasional and complete avoidance of certain foods, we generally advise reducing consumption as much as possible to support the growth of beneficial bacteria. If you need to increase specific macronutrients like protein, occasional intake is preferable to daily consumption.

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